Monday, January 27, 2020

Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay

Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay It is estimated that eleven to fifteen million fresh immigrants arrived in the U.S. between the year 1990 and 2000 and were integrated into to the U.S. workforce. This when compared with any time in history, is a high level of immigration, more than the previous Great Wave. In the previous ten years, people born outside the US comprised 41.4% of the growth in U.S. inhabitants. More than 50 percent of the growth in the countrys civilian workforce can be pointed to new overseas immigrants. New overseas immigrants are younger, less learned, more probable working in the private sector as wage and salary workers, and over-represented in many industrial sectors, than the indigenous labor force.10. According to Brazilian government numbers, there are more than 1.5 million Brazilians living out of the country. America is the main point of entry: about, 700,000 Brazilians lived in the U.S in 1997. The highest concentration was New York followed by Massachusetts and Florida respectively (Heloi sa 10). In the past there were many immigrants in Brazil, they came from all over the world. For instance, in the 1960s, there was a surge of immigrants to Brazil. However things have now changed and it is the Brazilians immigrating to Europe, the US and Asia. Statistics show that at least a million Brazilians have immigrated to other countries in the past decade; this is due to the economic problems Brazil is facing and people are in pursuit of a good life. Another reason for Brazilians immigration is the 1964 coup dà ©tat of, thousands of people opposed to the military regime at the time were forced into exile for fear of persecution. In 1979 the Brazilian government offered amnesty to the political exiles. Majority of these exiles came back to Brazil after the amnesty, but the figures of economic emigrants increased in the 1980s; especially true after the oil crisis and the military governments financial mismanagement in 1979.   By 1987 about 250,000 Brazilians were outside the country . Ever since, emigration has gone up at a rate of 20% annually. In early 1969 the Banco do Brasil opened a branch in New York City.   Later that year the Brazilian-American chamber of Commerce was started to support investment and trade between the US and Brazil (Davis p. 10). There have been no official statistics about Brazilian emigrants since 1991. What is known is that   there were 436,177 passports issued by the Federal Police in 1993(the figures have since then gone higher). There are no statistics to show how many Brazilians have emigrated but a majority of Brazilians in the US were born in Brazil. Evidence from Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE) shows that over a million Brazilians between the ages of 20 to 44 from the 1991 census were missing The statistical absence of this age bracket was explained logically by Brazilian emigration (Alejandro p. 14). Brazilians in the East Coast: The Unseen Minority that Everybody Sees Possibly, nearly half of the Brazilians living outside Brazil reside in the United States. The biggest Brazilian community is found on the East Coast. New York is estimated to have almost 70,000 to 160,000 Brazilian emigrants. A further 140,000 are thought to live in Boston, 70,000 in Florida), 30,000 in California, 40,000 in Houston, Texas, and another 15,000 in Washington, DC. According to the Center for Immigration Studies in New York, more than half of the Brazilians who moved to the US already have friends or a member of family in the U.S. with whom they live with after they land in U.S. Nearly a quarter of the immigrants do not plan on going back to Brazil. An American anthropologist by the name Maxine Margolis, took three years analyzing the Brazilian neighborhood in New York examining more than 30 Brazilian immigrants better known by the tag Brazucas. She circulated her work as the book  Little Brazil  (1994).   She established that majority of the Brazilians she examined were feeling shame to be immigrants with almost 80% answering that they were not immigrants, but only passing through.   Margolis found out that most of the Brazilians in the US are from middle-class households and that the Immigrants shield themselves from dissatisfaction by believing that theyre doing these jobs only for a year or two, that its a short-term situation. In spite of what people think, most Brazilian migrants arrive in US with money and links to live for a short while before getting employed, Gino Agostinelli, of the Center for Immigration Studies, has informed the Sao Paulo newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. They dont seem to be desperate individuals, but persons with substantial amounts of money who want to explore a different way of living. Almost 60% of Brazilian citizens, who move to the US ordinarily find employment within three weeks on landing on US soil. Initially, majority of them search for employment in the same line of work in which they were employed in Brazil mainly because this is one of the straightforward ways of obtaining a green card, the lasting resident visa for foreigners living in the US. On the other hand, nearly 75% of Brazilians residing in the US are illegitimate immigrants.   (With such a number of illegal immigrants in the US, I can presume that the state unofficially needs the immigrants, legal or illegal. I have a few of my friends who are illegal Brazilian Immigrants, in the course of my research I talked with a few of them to get more insight on the issue of Brazil  Immigrants in the US. I asked one of them if he would like to have any knowledge or information on the immigration service and he said it was of no importance to him, because they (the illegal immigrants) dont really have t o be troubled about the immigration service.   He further told me that there is always a way to escape the immigration rules.   Another one of the illegal immigrants that I interviewed told me that he was once caught and thrown out of US and he had just come back but this time he had changed his name and come through Mexico which borders the US or and even others even use some other way to get back which he did not disclose to me. A very high percent of illegal immigrants do some odd menial jobs and earn the minimum wage of between $1000 and $2000 a month. This means that a majority of the Brazilians in the US fall in that bracket. In fact only about 4% of Brazilians living in New York earn more than that; about $3000 a month. Most of the Brazilians do the same menial jobs they did while they were in Brazil. It is in fact very sad to note that even the immigrants that have had a descent college education still work as housekeepers, maids, nannies and cooks. This is especially very common for Brazilian women immigrants. As for men only about 4% even have an elementary education and therefore most of them work as laborers or as construction workers among other menial jobs (Research Division for the Office of New Bostonians). The Brazilian community in New York has a great number of men working as shoe shiners and women working as go-go dancers. Brazilians are in fact stereotyped in this two professions and therefore out of the immigrants consider such jobs shameful. Another thing that bothers the Brazilians immigrants is that they cannot make a mark in their adopted countries as most of them work for long hours. As a result most of them are grouped as Hispanics by the Americans. An interesting trend of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts is that a survey by Martes of 300 Brazilians in 1996 showed that there was an increase of families immigrated as opposed to single males in the past. About 48% of the immigrants were married and 52% came along with all their children to Massachusetts. Of all the participants of the survey twelve percent had college education, thirty one percent had a high school diploma, 12% had some college, and 16% had no college education. The reasons for migration were same as those of other immigrants tht is, continuous economic crisis as well as with violence in town areas in the early and mid-nineties to also propel the upper-middle class families to leave Brazil and open businesses. I had previously talked to an immigrant who told me that he moved to the US because of disappointment at work in Brazil. He said that he had a high skilled job but the business collapsed and his wages decreased to very low levels. Others said that they came to the US to make more money, save it and buy property in Brazil. Different Brazilians had different reasons but I thought that Kaka summarized it all I came here thinking that life was easy and I would make more money and hoping to go back to Brazil and never want to be employed. In other word they all came to chase the American dream and get back to their country and only to realize that that was just an illusion. There was a sharp contrast of the population of the Brazilians in the US from two census conducted. The most logical explanation was that neither the 2000 nor 1990 census mentioned Brazil as a country of choice and therefore most of them chose to identify themselves as Hispanics or white for fear of deportation after filling the Census forms. Another school of thought was that most of them lived in overcrowded houses and therefore lied about the sizes of their families in order to avoid prosecution. Lastly, Brazilians do not like to be classified as Hispanics unless they understand the classification process of race and ethnicity (Davis p.12). While the reasons for this census disparity may be arguable, the mystery is still there. What is the number of Brazilians living in America? Brazilians continue to flock US and most of them are undocumented. The fear of deportation is widespread among immigrant communities and therefore stops them from participating in survey research by the government or any other entity. There are many Brazilians in Massachusetts and the reason for them to go there is varied. Interviews conducted in Lowell show that most of them get there as a result of family ties, friends. These contacts with others in Brazil make them choose Massachusetts as a city to settle. Some interviewees offered an explanation that they get a place to stay before they move on to other places but end up settling there. Also, some Brazilians live in Massachusetts because they believe that the state provides ample public services, such as health insurance and public schools to immigrants. Racial and Ethnic Identity of Brazilian Immigrants Salgado (2) observed that Significant as it is to comprehend how U.S racial and ethnic pecking order, family members, and principles have an effect on migrants, rearrangement of racial and ethnic uniqueness in the United States must be connected with the racial and cultural occurrences immigrants came across in their countries of birth. Based on my study and discussions with a good number of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts, their perception tends to change depending on the life they are exposed to. The replacement of nationality over race is constantly present in Brazilian immigrants narratives of self description. This preference to define oneself nationally rather than ethnically is entrenched in major beliefs. First, the majority of immigrants, mainly those who dont have a full racial or ethnic awareness, are more likely to confuse these three terms. Second, race interactions in Brazil have habitually been ignored specifically because racial matter were presumably determined by a genial joining during colonization and afterwards highlighted by the following belief of racial democracy. Concluding thoughts A future evaluation of the Brazilian Immigrant Community Forecasting what will occur to the Brazilian Immigrant Community in the days to come is a complex and extremely doubtful process. Nevertheless, there are basically two critical issues that will form this immigrant population progress for generations to come. Firstly, Brazilian immigrants, like majority of other immigrant units, come to US with willpower to be successful. With that appear fresh new thoughts that can lead to an industrial drive. Specifically, many Brazilians migrate when they are young, with the clear mission of working, regularly with a fairly high level of education. Occasionally the migrant can converse in English. In addition, Furthermore, currently, Brazilians often feel relatively calm and relaxed in the region, observing that they frequently are seen in better terms by Americans compared to other immigrant groups (Maxine p. 5). Secondly, the Brazilian immigrant community may underrate the obstacles that they may encounter in the years to come. Immigration rank, usually thought to be the primary obstacle that Brazilian immigrants encounter, is only one of many stumbling blocks that Brazilians will have to meet. In fact, even US Census data shows that Brazilians in Boston MA, have not only a depleted percentage of the inhabitants with a middleclass standard of living when put side to side with the native and foreign born residents, but they also have a slightly higher percentage of the inhabitants lacking a high school diploma.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Human Trafficking Essay

Human Trafficking is a crime that’s been rapidly rising and becoming a major issue all over the world. Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or for the extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy and ova removal. Human trafficking happens in many different forms. These forms of human trafficking mostly affect women and children. There are many forms of human trafficking. One of the many forms of human trafficking is sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation is the taking advantage of their sexuality and attractiveness of a person to make a personal gain or profit. Sexual exploitation has been going on for many years. Most women and children are trafficked for sexual exploitation. Poverty, gender-based discrimination and a history of sexual and physical violence are all factors that can make women and children vulnerable to traffickers. In most cases women and children are abducted and sold, some are deceived into consenting by the promise of a better life or a better job, and some feel that entrusting themselves to traffickers is the only economically viable option. These individuals held and exploited in slavery-like conditions once they are trapped. Most of these women and children trafficked for sexual exploitation suffer extreme violations of their human rights, including the right to liberty, the right to dignity and security of person, the right not to be held in slavery or involuntary servitude, the right to be free from cruel and inhumane treatment, the right to be free from violence, and the right to health. Human trafficking is a high-profit and low-risk endeavor for the traffickers. Traffickers have many tactics to prevent victims from escaping such as physical restraint in the form of locks and guards, physical or psychological violence, drugging or by instilling a fear of the police. The trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation has a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of victims, which could be long term and ultimately life-threatening. Forced labour is another form of human trafficking. Forced labour is any work or services which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form punishment. Forced labour is a global problem. The regional distribution of forced labour is: Asia and Pacific: 11. 7 million (56%), Africa: 3. 7 million (18%), Latin America and the Caribbean: 1. 8 million (9%), The Developed Economies (US, Canada, Australia, European Union, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Japan): 1. 5 million (7%) and the Middle East: 600,000 (3%). With increased possibilities for travelling and telecommunications, and with a growing demand for cheap labour in the developed world on the one hand, and increasingly restrictive visa regulations on the other, possible channels for legal labour migration have diminished. Private recruitment agencies, intermediaries and employers may take advantage of this situation and lure potential migrants into exploitative employment. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that there are at least 20. million people in forced labour worldwide. The figure means that, at any given point in time, around three out of every 1,000 persons worldwide are suffering in forced labour. Adults are more affected than children 74% (15. 4 million) of victims fall in the age group of 18 years and above, whereas children are 26% of the total (or 5. 5 million child victims). The state military is responsible for 10% of forced labour which mostly takes place in Burma, North Korea and China. Organ trade is another form of trafficking that’s has become an issue in other countries. Organ trade is the trade involving inner organs (heart, liver, kidneys, etc. ) of a human for transplantation. Trafficking in organs is a crime that occurs in three broad categories. Firstly, there are cases where traffickers force or deceive the victims into giving up an organ. Secondly, there are cases where victims formally or informally agree to sell an organ and are cheated because they are not paid for the organ or are paid less than the promised price. Thirdly, vulnerable persons are treated for an ailment, which may or may not exist and thereupon organs are removed without the victim’s knowledge. The vulnerable categories of persons include migrants, especially migrant workers, homeless persons, illiterate persons, etc. It is known that trafficking for organ trade could occur with persons of any age. Organs which are commonly traded are kidneys, liver and the like; any organ which can be removed and used, could be the subject of such illegal trade. Trafficking in organ trade is an organized crime, involving a host of offenders. The recruiter who identifies the vulnerable person, the transporter, the staff of the hospital/clinic and other medical centers, the medical professionals, the middlemen and contractors, the buyers, the banks where organs are stored are all involved in the racket. It is a fact that the entire racket is rarely exposed and therefore, the dimensions are yet to be appropriately fathomed. In conclusion, human trafficking is a global issue that has been going on for thousands of years. Governments all around the world should take control of these issues and try to better protect the women and children affected by human trafficking.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Burglary Criminal Data Comparison

The year 1929 marked the conception of the Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR) by the chiefs of police international association to gather for the required reliability and homogeneous crime data for the country. The mission of collection, publication and archiving of this information was rendered to the FBI in 1930. At present, numerous yearly statistical data such as â€Å"Crime in the United States† is published from information provided by approximately 17,000 U. S. law enforcement organizations. UCR Program later formulated the NIBRS-National Incident Based Reporting System as an answer to necessitate the want for in-depth and flexible data.Crime Indicators In a period not less than 30years the United States has had two national crime indicators: the UCR program and the NCVS-National Crime Victimization Survey that gathers a statistics from a nationally balanced representative sample of persons 12 years and above who produce crime estimates independent of the recorded pe rformances of the criminal justice organization. Information from both is normally used jointly to present a more inclusive evaluation of crime in the United States. BurglaryBurglary as defined by the Uniform Crime Reporting program is the illegal entrance into a structure to commit an offense or theft. For an offense to be classified under burglary the use of force to attain entry is not a must. The program has 3 subdivisions for burglary: entry by force, illegal entry without use of force and attempted entry by force. The same applies to the UCR’s classification of structure which includes barn, apartment, and houseboat or house trailer is used as lifelong residence, ship vessel, office, railroad car excluding automobiles.Legal enforcement urgencies in 2005 reported an approximated 2,154,126 burglary crime which represents a 0. 5% rise from the 2004 figures. An assessment of decade trends shows a 1. 8% rise in burglary rates in comparison with the 2001 approximation, and a 14 % decrease from the 1996 figures. Based on the table’s approximation of committed property crimes, burglary accounted for over 21 percent of the total with an average dollar loss of 1,725 USD.Statistics show that of the residential burglary offences that occurred in 2005, a majority 65% took place during daytime, however for nonresidential structures most burglary offences (58 percent) happened in the night- that’s between 1800hours and 0600hours. This information can aid one on drawing trends of burglary offences considering the population, form of life and city structure. New York Metropolitan Area In recent years police survey information show that burglary in the core counties of the New York Metropolitan region’s core counties has been on the decline.And as anticipated the UCR burglary rate was lower than the NCVS total burglary rate, this is attributed to the reluctance of victims to report with only about 61% of burglary incidences recorded by the poli ce. Most occurrences were reported from lower class residential areas with high unemployment rates with the offenders being violent youths mostly. Chicago Metropolitan Area Police and survey estimates agree of decline in burglary incidences since 2000 but still the NCVS rate was higher than the UCR with only 52% of burglary incidences reported over this period.Rates were high in suburban areas of Illinois and generally performed during the day but not violently. Its noted that the offenses were executed mostly by men but some of them usually nonviolent were an act of the female gender. Conclusion It should be noted that most of those local state agencies with the interest to review rates or crime trends, classically draw analysis about felony in their regions basing singly on police statistics. This study has examined the comparison of police figures to victim survey information on burglary and other crimes for the big cities in the country.Gender ,age and class form the most notewo rthy burglary variables compounded with the effects of class i. e. unemployment and location. Unlike men, females have a tendency to start burglary in their later stages in life with lower/ underclass females involved than young women. References Maston, C. and Klaus, P. (2006). Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005 statistical tables. Violent Crime since 1993, US Department of Justice. http://www. ojp. usdoj. gov/bjs/glance/tables/4meastab. htm. Retrieved on March 13, 2009.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Survey Graphing Ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders

Data graphing is a mathematical skill rigorously taught to students today and for very good reason. The ability to construct or interpret graphs is a necessary foundation for developing more sophisticated data literacy, but graphs help students learn long before they are introduced to statistics by allowing them to visualize information. Common Core State Standards dictate that students begin answering questions about data even in kindergarten. By the end of first grade, students need to be able to organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories. Graphs that students need to be able to create by the end of second grade include bar graphs, line plots, and pictographs or picture graphs, so it is especially important that they are working with these types often. Graphing in School Before students can begin to graph, they need to first begin to interpret data. One opportunity for exposure to this concept is calendar time. Students in lower elementary grades can begin to analyze graphs when talking about the daily calendar, a routine shared by many classrooms. They can look at trends in the weather and answer questions about weather frequency. Graphing skills need to be cultivated in students as early as possible through age-appropriate subject matter, and surveys are a great opportunity for this in any grade. The I do, we do, you do teaching model lends itself well to teaching graphs, especially in the beginning, and teachers can use surveys to begin instruction. Survey Ideas for Students to Graph and Analyze When students are more familiar with surveys, they can conduct their own and graph their results. Before doing this, though, it is important that teachers stress the importance of categories. Surveys conducted need to have predetermined answer options to keep the data set manageable and the experience meaningful. Otherwise, some surveys would result in far too many answers to study. Below is a list of survey topics for students to conduct with their classmates and practice graphing. Establish clear categories for these with your class before beginning. Survey: Favorite book genreFavorite sportFavorite colorFavorite type of animal to have as a petThe weather (temperature and precipitation)Favorite TV show or movieFavorite snack foods, soda, ice cream flavors, etc.Height or arm length of classmatesFavorite subject in schoolNumber of siblingsTypical bedtimeHeight or distance a person can jumpShirt colorFavorite book in a series read as a classFavorite informational book topic Once students can conduct surveys independently, they will probably start generating more topics for surveys on their own. Encourage their enthusiasm by allowing many opportunities for data collection. Teachers can even incorporate surveys into the daily routine to keep students thinking about graphs and practicing these skills. Graphing and Analyzing Survey Data After a survey is complete, teachers should work with their students to decide how best to organize the data they collected, then gradually release the responsibility until students are able to make these decisions independently. Some trial and error with organizing data into different graph types is beneficial for students to see the best uses for each type of graph. For example, picture graphs or pictographs are great for surveys that are more visual and easy to create symbols or pictures for, such as shirt color, but responses are much more difficult to represent with a picture graph for surveys such as average bedtime. After the data has been graphed, the class should talk about the data. Students need to eventually be able to calculate the range, mean, median, and mode, but they can talk about these ideas much more simply to start. They should also be able to reason with the data to discuss why they think one category has fewer responses than another or why it makes sense that some surveys will be more varied than others. Learning How to Graph Through frequent and structured practice graphing and analyzing data, students will understand many mathematical concepts. They will be able to use graphs to think about data in new ways and visualize concepts they could not before. Because children tend to enjoy being polled or asked their opinion, surveys are the perfect way to help students begin to develop their graphing skills. Practice is key to cultivating graphing skills.